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hole in roof with ladder leading up

Texas Roofing Scams – What Should I Look For?

If you’re in the market for a brand new roof, you are probably a careful shopper. Looking around, getting estimates, checking records, reading reviews; getting the right kind of roof repair is crucial, especially when plunking down so much for an investment. When you get your roof fixed, it’s worth it.

roof with new solar panels installed

Ja-Mar Roofing Has Gone Solar

Our company recently wrapped up a job in the Davenport Ranch neighborhood. Because we did such a good job, we were featured in their monthly Life in Davenport Social Magazine!

roof covered in hail stones

Hail Damage to your Austin Roof – What You Need To Know

Hail damage often presents itself as small dips or breaks in a roof. The size of all these things can vary and fall completely at random. Even if you do not see indentations on the shingles themselves, you may still find proof elsewhere. If you find depressions in gutters, siding, skylights, or chimney caps, it may be worth taking a closer look at the roof. Not having visible proof of hail damage doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Red Roof

Common Texas Winter Roof Problems

As you bundle up indoors to wait out another chilly Texas winter, don’t forget to keep an eye on your roof! Severe winter weather can wreak havoc on your roof, especially if you don’t recognize damages. Little problems quickly become big, expensive hassles. Here’s what you need to know.

man repairing red roof

Should I Replace My Roof?

Replacing your roof can be a tough decision. On the one hand, you might not want to replace something that could be remedied with a repair job. On the other hand, you may be tired of paying for roof repair services every few months. If you’re wondering whether your roof problem warrants a full replacement or just a few simple fix-ups, asking yourself the following questions should give you a better idea.

blue sky with cloud above red tile roof

Using Your Roof to Cool Your Home

During a Texas summer, attic temperatures can skyrocket as high as 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun can also heat up your entire house as it is beating down, with heat coming through the windows and leaking in from the attic. Your first instinct might be to crank up the air conditioning, but did you know that your roof can actually be an amazing resource when it comes to keeping home temperatures enjoyable?

person holding hail stone as large as their hand

Ja-Mar Is Ready To Serve Those In Need With Damage From Texas Storms

A large wind / hail storm rolled through Texas on June 12, 2014. Ja-Mar Roofing & Sheet Metal has published updated homeowner information on their website. The information is designed to educate homeowners about the risks of hail damage and provide tips to diagnose the signs of damage. The hail from the June 12th storm can cause tremendous damage on roofs, weakening their expected lifespan, and thus the roof’s ability to waterproof the home as designed.

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Summer Roof Maintenance in Texas

Summer Roof Maintenance in Texas

The summer heat in Texas might feel nice if you’re a warm weather lover, but it can mean trouble for your roof. Sunlight, hot temperatures, and extreme weather conditions can pose hazards to the strength and durability of your roof, but luckily there are measures you can take to protect your home. These summer roof maintenance tips are well worth your time if you want to avoid expensive repairs down the road.

The Benefits of Solar Roofing in Austin

Phrases like “solar power” and “green energy” get thrown around a lot nowadays, and sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the new information that comes out. You may know about solar roofing or even hear about your neighbors installing solar panels on their home, but how does this technology actually work? What benefits can it actually offer? To help you figure out if solar power is right for you, we’ve outlined some of the basic benefits that solar roofing can provide.

The Important Role of Austin Commercial Roofing Contractors

Commercial roofing contractors play an important role in providing roofing solutions for businesses in every industry. It is important to find a roofing contractor with many years of experience so the services provided are rendered by competent roofing technicians with extensive knowledge. Certified roofing contractors also offer expertise and services such as premium warranties when you use their services.

The Importance of Historic Roof Repair in Austin

When it is time to renovate a historic residence or building, it is important to consider the need for roof repairs that are handled by professionals in the industry. Keeping a building true to its history demands a level of expertise that requires extensive knowledge in historic roof repairs and restorations. Historic roofing services are not limited to the historic sector, however. New builds that are modeled after historic homes or businesses may require the same type of build with newer products and materials.